This is test for an update.
I recently came across this amazing video: video link here
and had this idea of creating my own blog as well, I have started several blogs in the past or should I say tried and had lost the focus on it after a certain time as it wasn't as seamless to write things down and convert it to the markdown and then push it to the website. This switching made it difficult for me stick to a routine of creating the website from time to time.
However this video gave me a hope that maybe I could this time be able to keep up with it and have that dream of maintaining a blog fulfilled, a little corner of my internet.
Despite being a computer science major, I don't have a lot of experience in coding and hence definitely be a game changer if I can do it the way chuck showed in the video.
Figuring the puzzle
Its no easy task setting up this system and bringing together all the Lego pieces together.
I am starting with the obsidian, I have never used this before so definitely need some figuring out, after this I will be following each step like mentioned here on the chuck's blog. However the only major change I want to make it to use a free hosting service for my site to be hosted from
- Git
- Go Lang
- Hugo
- GitHub
- Netlify
- Obsidian
Testing this image out
[](my main website)